2023 Junior Golf Program

  • Junior Golf Fee: $100 per Child

  • Children with little or no golf experience will be in the Beginner’s Session | (Age Range 6-9)

  • Children with moderate experience will be in the Intermediate Session | (Age range 10 & up)

Each session will have a maximum of 20 students. A waiting list will be made after the session is filled.

The First Session will begin on Friday June 9th
The Final Session will be a skills competition and a cookout on Friday July 14th 
All Sessions will meet at 10am on the final day. 

  • Session Dates : 6/9 | 6/16 | 6/23 | 6/30 | 7/7 | 7/14

  • Tuesday the 11th will be used as a rain date if needed

  • 7/14: 10:00am ALL SESSIONS (Skills Competition and Cookout)

  • Beginner Session: 9:00am to 9:45am

  • Intermediate Session: 10:00am to 10:45am


The First Tee – Indiana

The Course at Aberdeen proudly supports the First Tee Indiana by hosting spring and summer programs. Please click on the logo below for registration options and information about the program.